New York's traffic laws regarding passing cyclists are too vague. They require that vehicles pass cyclists at an unspecified "safe distance" while many other states specifically require 3, 4, or even 6 feet when passing. A New York State bill sponsored by my state senator would require at least 3 feet of passing distance is currently stuck in committee. Cars usually give me adequate space when passing (although the occasional exceptions are harrowing). When I'm behind the wheel and need to pass a cyclist, I give as much space as I can, even if it means slowing down so I can pass into the opposing lane when it is safe. One frightening phenomenon is drivers that give me enough space but steer dangerously into oncoming traffic to make room for me. Just slow down and pass me when it is safe for everyone!
I've taken to waving at basically everyone I see when riding: other cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists. I'm really trying to say "Hi there! I'm a human, not a hyper-focused Lance wannabe or a piece of traffic furniture!" I try especially hard to wave when a car passes me in a safe and respectful way. I also wave at cars that wait for me to pass before turning onto the road I'm using. As a teacher, I understand the power of positive feedback and I like to give it to good drivers. Maybe my friendly waves will validate people's good behavior and make them more likely to behave that way in the future. I've definitely noticed that when one car passes me respectfully, the cars that follow them are more likely to do so. Maybe they want a wave too?